Another Apple Watch Averts Disaster!

January 15, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Another Apple Watch saves the day! This time, the invaluable heart rate monitoring feature came to the rescue of Joel Telling. In case you didn’t know, Joel is a popular YouTuber. His channel, 3D Printing Nerd, focuses on constructing 3D printed objects.

I apologize for the slight detour, I’m a fan. Back to the story, Joel took to Twitter on January 13th, where he posted a picture of himself lying on a hospital bed. Apparently, his Apple Watch alerted him of his elevated heart rate, which was above 120BPM for 10 minutes.

Now, had he been involved in some strenuous activities at the time, this would be normal. But, he wasn’t. So, Joel headed to the emergency room for a check-up. The tests showed that he didn’t have a pulmonary embolism or irregular heart activity.

The problem was actually brought on by dehydration and stress caused by his recent travels. After being administered fluids to rehydrate him, Joel’s pulse returned to normal. He credits his Apple watch for this save. Had it not alerted him to the problem, he wouldn’t have been this lucky.

Several stories such as this have been published all over the internet (similar story here). And despite what many skeptics have said in the past, Apple’s smartwatch isn’t just a novelty piece. It’s a fitness tracker and a valuable health assistant.