Apple Acquires Startup NextVR

May 15, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Apple may be have serious intentions of venturing into the Virtual Reality space. According to a Bloomberg article, Cupertino has just purchased a startup called NextVR, a company that provides virtual reality content to several big name tech giants.

Bloomberg also states that NextVR supplies VR headset content to the likes of Facebook, Sony, HTC and Lenovo. The company even has ties in the NBA and Fox Sports. As such, this acquisition gives Apple a massive headstart in the VR space, which may lead to it releasing its tech sooner than expected.

Photo by Eugene Capon from Pexels

Apple is already in the augmented reality space, with its iOS AR software. And unlike VR, AR offers a computational graphic overlay over the view of the real world. Virtual Reality on the other head, allows one to be completely closed off from reality, and immerse themselves into an isolated virtual reality environment.

Both types of tech have real world uses, and Apple’s recent purchase suggests that the company isn’t picking one over the other. It may not be much of a stretch to suggest that this tech could be the company’s “Next Big Thing” in its product portfolio.

The allure of VR tech may have increased ten fold, especially after the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis. It could give rise to the adaption of virtual classrooms, office spaces and conferences where we can convene, converse, yet still practice social distancing. As such, in the next few years, we could witness the birth of some amazing tech.

Source: Bloomberg