Galaxy Watch4: Set Your Goals

November 11, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

Even though you’ve slept 8 hours, have you ever wondered if you’ve been getting enough sleep? By setting your bedtime goals in the Samsung Health app and tracking your sleep, you can now get a better night’s sleep with the Galaxy Watch4 series.

If you set your it to bedtime mode, you will benefit from advanced sleep tracking. In other words, the Galaxy Watch4 lets you monitor your sleep patterns, whether you’re awake, in light or deep sleep, or experiencing Rapid Eye Movement (REM) dreams.

While you sleep, you can monitor your health in real-time. The Galaxy Watch4 is equipped with a groundbreaking BioActive Sensor that detects snoring and blood oxygen levels while sleeping. Snoring will then be recorded along with the time and whether sleep was interrupted.

The best way to detect and record snoring is to place the phone on a stable surface near the user’s head, with the bottom of the phone facing the user. Monitoring blood oxygen during sleep is done by monitoring the user’s breathing.

This allows them to keep track of their health condition. Calculate your sleep score based on all sleep factors, including total sleep time, sleep cycles, movement and awakenings, as well as physical and mental recovery.

Tracking and understanding your body better can help you to learn more about menstruation in women’s health. Now that you can track your feminine health with the #GalaxyWatch4, you can learn how your cycle impacts your overall well being.

Following these simple steps on your #GalaxyWatch4 will help you to take care of your Woman’s Health:

* Your Samsung Watch’s home button and a swipe up will give you access to your apps tray. Select Samsung Health from there.

* You can select Women’s Health by scrolling down the screen.

* Click on Enter period to log when your period began, or select Add log to record a mood or symptom.

* To apply the changes, select Save on any of the symptoms that describe how you are feeling.

* Track your ovulation period and start planning your perfect moment.

The Samsung Health app for the Galaxy Watch4 series lets you plan your family with ease. With Samsung Health’s partnership with Glow, you can monitor ovulation days and periods up to 24 cycles ahead, predict fertile days, and forecast your fertile windows.