Goodbye Laundry, Hello AirDresser!

January 22, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

Samsung is an expert when it comes to thinking outside of the box . Case in point, its AirDresser machine. This device is the perfect solution for the modern home. It’s job is to not only clean clothes, but to leave them smelling fresh and neatly pressed.

It’s the robotic laundrette we’ve always wanted. Here’s how it works:

Once a garment is hung inside, The system then cycles through its various functions:The Jet Air and Air Hangers release powerful air to loosen and remove dust. It emits minimal noise and vibration while operating. And as such, won’t cause much of a disturbance, even at night.

Then, the AirDresser activates the Deodorizing Filter function to keep your clothes smelling fresh, while getting rid of sweat, tabacco, food and other odors. After AirDresser is done with its chores, it will then initiate its self-cleaning function.

It dehumidifies, sanitizes and deodorizes the interior to rid it of any dirt or bacteria. AirDresser achieves this with the use of heat, air and steam. But it is able to do so without consuming much power.

In addition to this, it’s quite gentle on your clothes. In fact, AirDresser uses a combination of steam and air to relax the fabric. Also, it is adept at handling fur,including coats, wraps, shawls, too.

And it has AI capabilities as well, which allow it to function efficiently and run routine maintenance. Through the use of the Home Care Wizard, problems can be identified remotely, then solutions provided.

AirDresser’s modern design aesthetics allow it to blend in with most of your furniture. And since it does not require water supply or drainage system, it’s an untethered device that can be placed just about anywhere in your home.

Basically, it’s the robot maid from the Jetsons, minus the attitude…