Haunted House Investigation To Be Live Streamed

August 17, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

The existence of paranormal entities have been a topic of hot debate for the past several years. Despite convincing footage and data captured by various ‘paranormal investigators’, there still isn’t any verifiable proof that supports the argument. Well, that might soon change with the video stream session that will take place on August 21-22, 2020.

David Oman a resident of Benedict Canyon, Beverly Hills is convinced that he lives in a haunted house. It also happens to be located 4 doors down from one formerly belonging to Sharon Tate, a Hollywood actress and model. Tate was stabbed to death on August 9, 1969 in her home along with her husband and three others.

The Oman home’s proximity to that of Tate’s may have something to do with his own experience of paranormal activity. He first sighted a ghost in his own bedroom, where a spirit of one of the victims of the Tate murders stood at the foot of his bed, pointing to the driveway down the road.

Rather than dismiss this as a bad dream, Oman chose to keep an open mind and invite psychics and paranormal specialists into his home to conduct preliminary investigations. They took video footage and 35mm still photographs. These photos revealed intriguing images that suggested that Oman wasn’t alone.

One of said investigators was Parapsychologist Barry Taff, who confirmed this. The evidence was reveal through unusual orbs, shadowy images and streaking light patterns. Taff, a leading Para-Psychologists and someone who has investigated over 4000 reported hauntings in his 50 year career, said that the evidence merited a full scientific investigation.

Apparently, Taff worked with Dr. Thelma Moss at UCLA in early 1970s. She originally investigated the Culver City, CA haunting incident that became The Entity movie in 1981. The Oman house investigation will take place on August 21 to 22, which will be streamed live on www.KingsOfHorror.com

If you prefer realism, tickets can also be purchased for tours of the house on www.TheOmanHouse.com. During the event there the following will take place:

  • Interviews with celebrities and paranormal experts like Dr. Barry Taff, Scott Michaels of Dearly Departed tours
  • Reviews of new captured videos shots
  • Live ghost investigation with a séance lead by Hollywood witch Patti Negri and Lilia Carron Willis.

Like most horror movie aficionados, I have a penchant for good ghost stories, which is why I find the Oman house investigation especially intriguing. But the coverage that the event has garnered, suggests that the event is less about getting to the truth and more about entertainment.