How Will Business Change After Lockdowns?
April 27, 2020
Image Property Of Gizmos Chamber
The COVID-19 pandemic has done a number on the business sector. Its effects are considered unprecedented, and some would call it apocalyptic. In order for us to turn turn the corner, certain changes would need to be made. Social distancing will prevent companies from returning to the old way of doing business. As such, the importance of cloud computing cannot be overstated.
Disruptions caused by the lockdowns will force businesses to adapt to these uncertain times. Here’s how companies may change their day-to-day operations:
#1 – The Rise Of Laptops Sales At The Expense Of Desktop PCs
Versatility is very important during these times and laptops fill that role. Staffers equipped with capable laptops can continue to function without much disruption to their workloads. The problem of such a practice is maintaining the security of company data.
That is where, machines like Chromebooks, equipped with Google’s Chrome OS, come in handy. It’s a cloud based computing system that requires administrative permissions to access sensitive company data. Any and all movement of data can be observed by the watchful eye of a company’s IT department. This enforces a sense of accountability in the workforce.

Photo Credit: IBM/Broadridge
#2 – Migrating To Cloud Storage
The freedom of not being tethered to a desk can do wonders to foster a flexible working environment. Having important data stored in the cloud instead of individual PCs would mean that employees can complete tasks without stepping into the office.
Companies that facilitate cloud storage solutions, which include Google, Amazon and Microsoft, would have a better chance of weathering storms induced by killer viruses or civil unrest. The rank and file may continue to work in the safety of their own homes, allowing a company’s cogs to keep turning.
#3 – Rise In Popularity Of Digital Systems
Despite the migration to digital based CRM systems, most companies still see the need for physical documents as the primary method of communication. The lockdown has proven that that has to change to foster sustainability during times of crisis.
Adoption of digital systems for inventory management, work order processing, HR and payroll systems will guarantee that management teams will have a better grasp of the ins-and-outs of their companies and guarantee a scalable workforce.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
# 4- Virtual Meetings
Corporate life hasn’t changed much since the 1980s. The only difference is that we use emails and texts to communicate with co-workers instead of speaking in person. Many consider physical meetings as an essential part of managing a company. The lockdowns have rendered these practices moot.
Tools like Zoom, Skype, TeamViewer, Google Duo are reliable to hold virtual meetings among team members. The ability to share one’s screen with other participants can promote the same level of productivity as that achieved by being there in person.
#5 – The Importance Of Organizational Tools
Tools that help people stay on track and motivated, are scarce. In the past, many downplayed their importance. Now, circumstances have changed and the need to remotely coordinate and maintain a certain level of efficiency will grow with each passing day.
Business oriented systems such as Monday.com or CRM programs from Salesforce, have tools that allow teams to remain focused on their tasks and help managers or team leaders execute orders effectively. There are many of such programs available online with varying degrees of effectiveness.
Monday.com is used by several big name companies to streamline workloads and processes. Its ability to integrate existing platforms such as Twitter, Gmail, Dropbox, Google Calendar, Google Drive and Microsoft Office with its own online tools, speaks volumes of its versatility.