Intel’s Museum Is Home To Interesting Tech

March 13, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Intel’s museum in Santa Clara, California is home to some of the company’s most prized possessions. It’s a 10,000 square feet facility located in the heart of Silicon Valley, where technology, both new and old, are on display to enlighten visitors of the company’s past and where it is headed.

About 85,000 visitors comprising of students, Intel employees, locals and tourists, visit the Intel museum each year. And for good reason, not only do they get to mess around with cutting edge tech, but are also able to witness first hand, how processors are made.

Usually, the museum is open on weekdays to the public including student group tours, however, as of March 9th, Intel has decided to close the facility until further notice. This is probably due to the coronavirus pandemic that has caused a great deal of grief and disruptions around the world.

Learn more about Intel’s museum, location, operating hours, tour information and guides on the Intel website.