Keep All Your Personal IDs On The Galaxy S20

July 23, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Samsung is vying for a post-document world with the Galaxy S20. It wants to inculcate the simplification brought forth by Samsung Pay, and use it for our IDs and other respective documents. This will negate the need to lug a stack of personal documents around each time we plan on opening a bank account.

This cumbersome ordeal used to require us to prepare said documents ahead of time. What Samsung is proposing however, is far simpler. It wants to store digital copies of said documents in phones such as the Galaxy S20. This way, all we have to do is just use our smartphone prove the athenticity of the required identification.

The Korean smartphone maker calls it an ‘innovative electronic ID (eID) solution’. And the S20 is the first device that has meets the German government and the European Union’s strict security requirements. It combines world-class security hardware to deliver a new type of mobile ID solution.

Here’s how it works. Users can request to create an eID with just their smartphone. Once the relevant authorities very the request, the eID will be automatically stored securely on the S20. Utilizing end-to-end encryption, the registration process is said to be simple but secure.

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These digital versions of our documents are stored in a secure section of the phone. And is said to meet strict internationally-recognized security standards – the embedded Secure Element (eSE). This eSE acts as a digital vault that stores confidential data.

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In order to eleveate further concerns of users, Samsung says that the Galaxy S20 has achieved CC EAL 6+ certification, one of the highest standards for hardware security. Samsung also says that:

“eSE meets the demands of the eIDAS, the EU regulation on electronic identification and trusted services for electronic transactions, it allows other EU member states to adopt secure and eIDAS compliant eID solutions in the future.”

If fortune does favor Samsung here, we could be witnessing the birth of a paperless identification world. A place where all our necessary IDs are stored within our phones. And at a moments notice, these digital copies can be furnished and used to authenticate our identities for a various purposes.