Learn How AI Enhances Night Mode in the Galaxy S21

February 18, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

The Night Mode View Finder
For some people, getting the right shot can be difficult, especially if they do not have the experience or skills to make it happen. Taking pictures under low light can result in blurry, grainy photos, especially if you aren’t well-versed with the regular camera jargon.

With the Samsung Galaxy S21 camera’s artificial intelligence, it’s possible to take stunning images in low lighting with just one click.

Optimal performance in lowlight
Maybe you are trying to get a selfie group at night while taking photos of the city around you. The instant you click the shutter button, the phone’s software goes to work, adjusting the various settings to offer you the optimal shot.

The AI will begin processing in three phases;

1. The camera takes multiple exposures from the scene during the capturing phase.

2. Upon capturing an image, the camera can begin Multi-Frame Processing, which then combines the images by enchanted its brightness into a single image.

3. Post-processing a photo with AI results in a crystal clear image, with greatly reduced noise and blur. It can also improve images’ overall quality.

The Multi-Frame Process
A clear image can be achieved only by adjusting multiple frames and using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to restore the image. The Galaxy S21 series is equipped with a program that when the multi-frame process is triggered, it will sharpen the best image among the others to use as the main image.

As soon as that’s done, the artificial intelligence will align and register the rest of the images before finishing. It will then automatically reduce noise and take a closer look at the colour tone of the background and the main subject. A multi-frame camera has the best support when it comes to clarity, high-resolution images even during poor lighting condition.

While zooming for distant subjects, the Galaxy S21 can take 20 shots in each frame at different exposures (ev) depending upon the lighting conditions. Taking photos at different exposures will allow the camera to provide clearer images that have greater dynamic range, thereby achieving true-to-life contrast between shadows and highlights.

Thus, when you zoom in on high contrast lighting, for example neon lighting, it will be even easier to get the details you want.
As the multi-frame processor works, the AI decides if the entire series of frames will be used or a subset of them.

Based on the resulting data from multiple frames, the camera on the Galaxy S21 can attain bright and sharp mobile images even when zoomed from extreme distances or in low light.