Low-Tech But Useful Tools For Digital Meetings

June 19, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

The demand for options in learning remains high, regardless of the current pandemic, even as many look forward to “normal” classes this fall. COVID-19 merely accelerated an already underway process. Several education models, such as online Charter Schools, homeschooling and dual enrollment, had become popular well before the pandemic. Experts predict this*- trend will continue for a long time.

Today’s educators must learn another app, install another USB port, in order to accommodate and manage yet another device, all the while throwing out the more important concept of personal connection, this proverbial baby in the bathwater.

With Tutorcam Stand, you can learn in person while taking advantage of online convenience. This tool makes good visuals easier to see, clearer instructions, and fewer downtimes possible for classrooms of every type.

According to Brandon Kenington, inventor of Tutorcam Stand, the invention’s genius is in its simplicity. In today’s education, we simplify the process by offering students what they need to succeed: real-time instructions and demonstrations they can easily follow. We call it our low-tech solution because it can be used with anything you already have at home – a mobile phone or tablet.

Education, tutoring, therapy, and library instructors are able to project their workspace to lessons in less than two minutes using the Tutorcam Stand. It can also be used offline as well as in classrooms to project lessons onto a large screen so that every student can see exactly what is being discussed.

By doing this, students will not need to leave their chairs to watch a demonstration or complain they can’t see. The speedy pace of the lessons encourages students to retain more information while reducing the impact of unnecessary interruptions. Schools and education centers throughout the country have already seen the effectiveness of Tutorcam Stand in classrooms.

As Bonnie Meyers, a Barton and Spelling Certified tutor raves, “Tutorcam Stand has provided me with the ability to see what my students are writing and how they are forming letters. I practice with dyslexic children every day.”

Bonnie continues, “Before we had Tutorcam Stands, they could write on paper if they wanted, but I would hold up the completed writing to see it. By that time the letters had already formed, writing had already taken place, and there was no way to correct them.”

Tutorcam Stand impressed teachers, the iconic Today Show, which referred to it as a “future must have.” The project won two awards from the prestigious International Design Awards for “Social Impact” and “Best Teaching Aids 2020.”.