New iPhones Could Look Like iPad Pro

April 13, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

The only way forward, is backwards. At least that’s what we think Apple’s plan might be, in regard to the upcoming iPhones. According to a recent article by Bloomberg, Cupertino’s iPhone 11 replacement might bear a striking resemblance to the older generation devices such as the iPhone 5.

We are to expect four new phones this year and unlike the slender curves and chamfered edges of the 11, the new models will sport a more industrial look, not unlike that of the iPad Pro. Sharp and angular lines are said to be part of the new design philosophy.

This may not seem very far-fetched considering how clean and elegant the new iPad Pro models are when compared to the standard iPads. They look sophisticated and capable, finally being able to live up to their underlying hardware.

Apple has made several U-turns since the departure of Sir Jony Ive, Cupertino’s former design head. What was once considered sacrilege – bigger batteries, thicker designs and less weight saving measures, are now the norm. The company is beginning to take into account the needs of its consumers rather than expecting them to adapt to whatever the company decides to do.

So, if these rumors prove to be true, the new iPhones should appeal to wide audience especially to those who cherish their iPhone 4 and 5 devices. Personally, I’ve preferred the Steve Job era iPhones, less fuss and more substance.

Source: Bloomberg