OpenNCC, A Simplified Vision of AI Deployment

October 4, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

EyeCloud AI has introduced a new camera system that utilizes AI software for commercial deployment. Built on the open source platform, OpenNCC (OPenal Neural Compute Camera) is said to be the first AI vision appliance that can be used for rapid deployment in the field and allow users the flexibility of choosing which toolkit they prefer.

OpenNCC has a 2.3MP color sensor, 8GB internal memory and a shutter speed of up to 120fps. The device can serve a variety of applications such as inspection of products on the assembly line, smart IR temperature monitoring, health monitoring for motion analysis and vision tasks, operational safety to ensure that protocols are followed on the job site among others.

The company says that the OpenNCC is a relatively simple and compact installment that takes the tedium out of installing such complex AI systems. It’s available in three variants with a compact USB3 version, “bullet”-sized Ethernet version with PoE for monitoring, and an IR Thermal+Color version.

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Based on Intel’s Myriad X VPU, these are some of the benefits of OpenNCC:

  • Reliable: Designed for demanding commercial applications
  • Versatile: High-quality images captured by a global shutter color image sensor with 2.3 MP resolution at up to 120 fps for demanding applications, even under challenging motion and lighting conditions
  • Powerful: High-performance DL inference processing with 4 TFlops, Intel® Myriad™ Vision Processing Unit (VPU), to apply complex pre-trained DL models on real-life video in real time
  • Flexible: Device hardware is fully open to various Deep Learning toolkits and frameworks – no lock-in to proprietary offerings
  • Fast: Natively supported by AI development tools for fast deployment
  • SWaP-C: Versions available which are optimized in Size, Weight, Power consumption, and Cost
  • OpenNCC is compatible with the latest DL frameworks

AlwaysAI, a computer vision software natively supports Open NCC cameras, which provide easy access to to pre-trained AI models. This shorts the time and development needed to adapt the OpenNCC platform for various sites. Unlike other camera vendors that lock users into their own hardware & software ecosystem, with Open NCC, this isn’t the case.

Users are given the freedom and flexibility to choose their proffered software framework and cost effective hardware for field deployment. For product details of the OpenNCC visit