OPPO Proposes AI Integral Role In 6G Networks

July 19, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

OPPO’s research institute has released a white paper on 6G and the use of AI algorithms as an integral part of the delivery system. The paper is titled “6G AI-Cube Intelligent Networking”. The company says that this literate proposes a detailed vision of the architecture of the next generation of high-speed networks.

The speed and bandwidth that is available with 6G will allow it to become a public-serving technology. For instance, smart devices could become users of AI, deploying the algorithm for various applications and feeding data back to the system of more advanced AI models.

Self driving cars can also benefit from 6G. The AI will be able to access the necessary data from the internet based on the vehicle location and traffic conditions, then plot an optimal route – all done without human intervention. A vehicle could also download an algorithm that’s more suited to the tasks at hand.

“Looking towards 2035, OPPO expects the number of intelligent agents in the world to far exceed the number of humans. Therefore, the next generation of communication technology, 6G, should be able to serve the needs not only of people but of all forms of intelligence and their various interactions,” said Henry Tang, OPPO’s Chief 5G Scientist.

Our current networks consist of the control plane (CP) and user plane (UP). The former is responsible for user perceivable metrics such as network performance such as speed and latency. The latter is related to network configuration, which is responsible for ensuring the network operates within parameters.

However, in OPPO’s 6G white paper, the AI Function Plane joins CP and UP as a third element to the equation. It runs perpendicularly to the other two to form an AI-Cube. This offers enhanced performance for network functionality and capability. The 6G network will be able to self optimize and deliver resources where it’s needed.

The speed and bandwidth of 6G, will help AI infer, learn, interact and apply what it has learnt to solve problems such as user privacy. The white paper proposes dividing AI resources into different domains. They should be arranged according to specific AI tasks, multiple nodes, and resources for optimal network performance.

OPPO also conceives a future where AI will be able to compensate for the limitation in computing power and storage capacity of smart devices. Through the use of 6G it can take on multiple roles such as that of a traditional base station, database, AI model repository, and application server.

Unlike 4G and 5G, the AI will be better equipped to handle inference and decision making in both the device and network sides of the operation. It is said that 6G devices will be allocated to an AI domain based on location and requirements of the respective device. The AI will then take it from there to deliver the desired outcome.

For the full details, take a look at OPPO’s white paper here.