Raya Stories Inspired By True Events

April 20, 2022 Off By Rowena Cletus

No matter how old you get, your parents will always see you as a child – but to Ayah, Adik will always be the little boy who never grew up. Adik is played by Bront Palarae, and his journey from kampung to kampung. Follow the storyline of Samsung’s Rezeki Memori, which follows a man who returns to his kampung only to learn a very important lesson.

Every Raya, there are so many things to look forward to! After not returning home for several years, swept away by his work in the hustle and bustle of the city, Adik had expected to find all of that buzz and excitement with so many favorite delicacies to savor and duit Raya to collect. His expectations were not met when he arrived. As he was greeted by his sister, played by Marissa Yasmin, and a seemingly cold father who didn’t recognize him, tension filled the air.

The discovery that Ayah, played by Bohari Ibrahim, suffers from dementia may surprise viewers at first glance, but later it becomes painfully obvious. When shown old and dated photos of Adik and Ayah, Ayah’s eyes light up. Despite the tense atmosphere of the current reunion, everyone is smiling and taking pictures.

Ayah’s dream comes true on the following day in the short film. The ecstatic expression on his face says it all – he is clinging onto every second he had been longing to spend with Adik. Despite the nice weather, however, the day soon turned sour when the skies darkened and the rain began to fall. Having not been able to locate Adik and Ayah, Adik’s sister worried anxiously as she searched for them – but only found both seeking shelter under a hut. Under the cover of forced smiles and pleasantries, tensions and stresses were building up.

When all was said and done, Adik realized that the greatest gift he could give his father was not material possessions but time. It didn’t matter how much money he made slaving away at his job in the city, he realized time was the most precious thing he could give him. Memories would last a lifetime.

While this story marks many Malaysians- especially Emir who is the inspiration and Chief Creative Officer behind the short film. As being the eldest grandson in the family, he always had a close relationship with this grandfather even though sometimes dementia gets in their bond.

“He had dementia for 5-6 years, before his passing. Even though he couldn’t recognize Emir who was standing in front of him, his eyes would light up only in the way a grandparents could when he shows the pictures of Emir younger age pictures”, he shared.

Which is why Raya, is about holding your loved ones close, life is fleeting and short. We always think that you might have all the time in the world, until you don’t.

We are often busy with many things around us until we forget our loved ones are growing old. Hope this true inspiring story will change your journey when you are heading back to your hometown.

With that being said, share your precious Raya moments – past or present – and stand a chance to be featured in Samsung’s Raya Memories montage. Don’t forget to include hashtags #MyFirstRaya #withGalaxy and #RezekiMemori when you upload on Instagram and TikTok from today until 17th May 2022!

To watch Samsung’s Rezeki Memori, head to https://youtu.be/fyQQv3wcpIY