Samsung Galaxy Note10 is ideal for travelers

November 11, 2019 Off By Rowena Cletus

Everyone likes to travel, its the best way to get away from your troubles and recharge. Most of us like to go with friends, but some prefer the solitude of a solo journey. Regardless of preference, the most essential item for any trip, is a camera. In the old days, this meant lugging around a bulky DSLR that was needlessly complicated to use. But, thanks to advancement in tech, this is no longer the case.

The Galaxy Note10/10+ is tailored to those who want a device that is just as useful on holiday as it is during your grueling 9 to 5 job. Here’s a list of why we think that the Galaxy Note 10/Note 10+ is an ideal traveling companion.

1) It’s a pro at capturing images
What better way to remember your vacation than with crisp and detailed images. The Galaxy Note10+ comes equipped with four cameras. The front camera is 10MP and the back three consist of a 16MP Ultra Wide-angle, 12MP Wide-angle and 12MP telephoto that offers a ultra-wide-angle shot. Like the rear trio, the front camera has Night Mode and live focus features.

2) Your Digital Planner
Galaxy Note10/10+ features S Planner and Notes which can be used to plan your itinerary or jot down notes for later. It allows you to sync all these details with Google Calendar, which will remind you of your planned schedule. In addition to this, the phone’s barometer will notify you of the changing weather conditions, ensuring that you are well prepared for the journey ahead.

3) The Translator
With Google Maps and Google Translate apps, you can travel near and far as well as communicate with people from distant cultures. The app has the ability to understand about 100 languages. So, it’s highly unlikely that the language barrier may be much of a deterrent on your travels. The 4,300mAh battery will ensure that there’s enough power, but a 30 minute charge will extend that even further.

We hope that we’ve provide you with enough reasons to consider the Note 10 as your travelling companion. Granted, it isn’t cheap, but for what it’s able to offer, this Samsung is a noteworthy tool for the traveling tech junkie.