Samsung Introduces Improved SmartThings App

June 10, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

Samsung is releasing the next generation of SmartThings, which is its connected technology ecosystem that allows IoT and other smart devices to connect and talk to each other. Available for both mobile and PC platforms, the new update brings changes that are supposed to simplify the connected home experience thanks in part to a new interface and faster load times.

It is supposed to help users focus on the import information and allow them to configure what they want, quickly. The interface is divided into 5 different sections: Favorites, Devices,, Life, Automations and Menu.

  • Favorites is the new home screen and shows you the devices, scenes, and services used most often.
  • Devices lets users view and control devices such as TVs, light bulbs, appliances, and more.
  • Life is a place where users can learn about enhanced functions that improve their overall living experience, such as SmartThings Cooking and meal-prepping experiences.
  • Automations connects devices and allows them to work together and respond to specific conditions in the home, such as a door opening and a light turning on.
  • Menu will house additional SmartThings features including SmartThings Labs, Notifications, History, and Settings.

Samsung’s new SmartThings interface is available for Android devices now, and iOS users can expect to receive the same in the coming weeks. The experience is akin to that of the Windows application that has been announced for the Galaxy Book and other machines of its ilk.

Samsung’s ecosystem incorporates various wireless technologies to allow smart devices to play nicely with each other. This includes Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, Zigbee, and Matter. SmartThings is an open platform system that is aimed at attracting more developers and users to the platform to create a large ecosystem of smart devices.