Samsung Sweden Brings Virtual Meetings To Santa Claus

December 15, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

This year’s subdued Christmas celebrations caused by the fallout from the pandemic, has forced us to adapt to the new ‘normal’. The unrelenting spread of COVID-19 throughout our communities has made social distancing a vital tool in mitigating the chain of infection. However, this isn’t a conducive way to spread the holiday cheer, especially when it comes to meeting Santa Claus.

Samsung Sweden understands this, which is why it has set up a virtual ‘meet-and-greet’ platform that will allow kids to meet Santa. It’s called the Christmas for All campaign, and the objective is to ensure that our Christmas spirit shines brighter than ever. Through the use of AR filter for Instagram, Santa’s famous residence, Rovaniemi in Lapland, can be recreated and shared with the world.

The feature can help create unique shots for your social media posts. Ones that will not only get you into the Christmas mood, but help spread the holiday cheer. But for those in that particular region who are interested in the virtual meet up with Santa, there are two ways of going about it. The first involves winning a contest, but the second is for those who would rather not participate.

This Connect with Santa competition kicked off on December 9th, and it will see 10 lucky winners from Sweden and Finland have a chance of a virtual meeting with Santa Claus. This one-on-one virtual session will allow them to speak with Santa. However, you can skip the competition and purchase a virtual ticket instead.

Samsung’s contest and assortment of Christmas AR filters is just one of several ways the Korean giant is trying to keep our spirits up during these troubling times. The photos that you take can be shared through the stories function on Instagram, as well as saved asand sent as a digital Christmas card to friends and family. Check it out on Instagram to learn more.