Samsung’s Save The Date: January 6th, 2021

January 1, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

If you thought 2020 was the biggest year for Samsung, think again. The Korean tech giant has published a YouTube video titled “You’re Invited” The First Look 2021”. The 30 second video portrays the idea that everyone is invited for the big online-reveal on January 6th, 2021. This could be a nod to the launch of the highly anticipated Galaxy S21.

Rumors are abound that the Note series may not be renewed this year. This will effectively make the S21 the halo phone of 2021. As such, this year’s S series could be far more special than previously anticipated. Since Samsung has fewer phones to worry about, more attention could be directed at said devices instead.

Update: Click Here For Launch Details
Read Also: 2020 Claims The Note Series

There’s even talk that S Pen functionality will be baked into these new smartphones. It’s a peculiar thought, and one that runs counter to what we have come to expect of the company. That said, die-hard Note fans may not be too happy with this idea. Especially since S series phones usually fall short in key areas to make them worthy alternatives to the respective Note models.

Whatever the case maybe, 2021 is shaping up to be an exciting year in the flagship space. We wait with bated breath for the live event on January 6th, which will be streamed live on