See Who Hasn’t Read Your Email With Mailbird

August 31, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Emails aren’t the most effective method of communicating with others in the corporate world. IM or instant messaging is far superior and offers better compatibility features. However, emails are still the default vessel used to exchange messages on office pcs around the world. As old as the internet itself, the email system isn’t going anywhere, that’s why an improvement is in order.

Mailbird, a popular email client may have provided a shot in the arm for this aging technology. When an email is sent out to respective recipients, its difficult to tell, who has received it, read it, or is completely oblivious to its existence. that’s where its email tracking feature comes in handy. It’s also independent of email providers used by the recipients.

This tracking feature supports group emails, so you’ll know who has yet to read your email. However, this tracking feature can be turned off, if it isn’t of any use to you. Mailbird only tracks the time the emails were sent and when they were opened. All personal data, including location, type of device and other email data remains undisclosed.

It’s built into the Mailbird app, which can easily be activated at any given time. It is meant to give you more control over business emails, and allow more effective communication with teammates and co-workers. Those who have the business version can track an unlimited number of emails. However those who are using a Personal License are limited to set number of trackings per month.

If you’re interested and wish to know more about the Mailbird app, visit The email client was created in 2012 as a Sparrow-inspired desktop email client for Windows users. Its presence has grown significantly over the years and has received several awards from various media outlets such as IT World and PC World.