The new features in Keynote, Pages, And Numbers Enhance Remote Presentations And Mobile Document Editing

September 29, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

This update to Apple’s iWork productivity apps makes it easier to work on documents on the go as well as present in powerful new ways. A new feature in Keynote makes presentations more interactive by displaying a live camera view of the presenter directly on the slides and allowing users to control presentations from multiple locations.

The Pages app enables people to view and edit documents anywhere, anytime, with a single-column flow that is optimized for iPhone. With Numbers, iPhone, iPad, and Mac users can create pivot tables for powerful data analytics.

Keynote’s New Presentation Tools
The new features in Keynote make presentations more collaborative, engaging, and personal. Presenters now have the option of adding live video to their presentation directly from the front-facing camera on iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Presentations, how-to videos, and video conferencing apps allow presenters to appear alongside the slides in their presentation.

It is easy to style live video objects using masks, frames, drop shadows, and reflections all while enhancing their look. Apple users have the option of connecting multiple external cameras to further enhance the live video experience, and they can even project the screen of an iPad or iPhone right onto a slide for real-time, interactive demos.

Users of iPhone, iPad, and Mac can now control a shared slideshow via the multi-presenter option. Multiple users can advance slides at the same time whether they are in the same room or presenting remotely. Upon completion of their presentation, users can return control to the host or allow another co-presenter to take over so that the presentation continues without interruption.

Introducing Pages, a new iPhone experience
It is more common for people to read Pages documents on their iPhones than on any other model, and Pages now lets you read and edit files on the go with improved capabilities. A new update automatically displays text, images, and other elements in one continuous column optimized for the iPhone screen.

The text can be enlarged to improve readability, and photos and drawings can be sized according to the display size. Tables can also be scrolled horizontally. All documents can be viewed with Screen View and there is no additional setup required. The complete set of editing tools are still accessible when this setting is enabled. Users can switch off Screen View at any time to see whether their document will print or publish before printing.

Simple and powerful pivot table tools with numbers
Among all the data analysis tools, Numbers has always offered the best user interface and the ability to present data with beautiful graphics and charts. By using pivot tables, users can quickly analyze patterns and trends by analyzing, grouping, and rearranging data. In Numbers, users can easily create pivot tables by choosing the data to include, choosing how to group and summarize it, and opening up a sidebar with other display options.

It is easy to understand and gain insight from the resultant pivot table because of its clear layout. Pivot tables can be visualized with insightful charts, shared with others while keeping source data private, and imported or exported into and from Microsoft Excel. The Numbers app is the first pivot table app to bring all the flexibility and power of pivot tables to mobile, making it a powerful data analytics tool for iPhone, iPad, and Mac worldwide.

A radar chart is a new type of chart that makes it easier to compare multiple variables visually by displaying similarities as overlapping areas and allowing differences and outliers to stand out clearly. In addition, new filter options make it much easier to find duplicate values and unique entries, or to search for fields that contain a particular value.

The new translation features introduced in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 as well as macOS Monterey are also supported by Keynote, Pages, and Numbers. A user can select text, hear the translation read aloud, and instantly replace it with the translated text after seeing the translation.