Useful Tips To Help Preserve Your Food For Longer

December 28, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

Now that we are spending most of out time at home, and only venture outdoors to accomplish essential tasks, it is important that we consume wisely. Samsung believes that improper storage of food such as fruit and vegetables results in unnecessary wastage. Food that is usually stored on kitchen counters such as apples, pears and garlic, should instead be stored in a fridge.

This way, they are kept at a constant temperature to help preserve their freshness. In Sweden, 43% of food that they buy, are thrown away. Fruit are at the top of this list because they are stored improperly. This is also true of fresh herbs, desserts, sauces and spices. Ready-to-eat meals which are meant to be frozen, are sometimes mistakenly stored.

Apart from this, forgetting food in the fridge, failing to check expiry dates and not taking inventory of what’s in the fridge before heading to the market, are contributing factors to unnecessary food wastage. That is why Samsung believes that its RB7300 SpaceMax fridge not only offers better storage space, but is able to preserve food stored in its compartments for longer durations.

Here are 7 tips that Samsung says can help increase shelf life and optimize food storage:

  1. Customize your refrigerator to your needs. Samsung’s Slide & Fold shelves can be easily folded up, raised and lowered to create a better overview of all your food.
  2. Different fruits and vegetables often require different types of storage. Some fruits and vegetables, such as avocados, peaches and melons, should be stored at room temperature before ripening, but then put them in the fridge to prevent them from becoming bad.
  3. To keep an even temperature inside your refrigerator, invest in a refrigerator model with No Frost technology , this will help the food stay fresh longer. It will also prevent icing – something that saves you the hassle of frostbite.
  4. It’s not just about temperature, humidity is also an important aspect. Therefore, feel free to use your refrigerator drawers. If possible, be sure to use boxes with adjustable settings, so you can customize them based on the given contents.
  5. Always store raw meat, poultry and fish on the lower shelf of the refrigerator and always store it wrapped. This helps prevent odors and liquids from spreading to other foods. Samsung’s
    Optimal Fresh + zone allows you to store meat alongside fruit or vegetables safely for a longer period of time. Through the technology, the air flow can be controlled and users can choose to set the temperature from 0 to 3 degrees. This small variation makes a big difference in maintaining the freshness of meat, fruits and vegetables. Optimal Fresh + also allows for two temperature zones in an easy-to-use compartment, with a flexible divider that can be easily moved to make the space larger or smaller depending on your needs.
  6. Raw materials are best kept in a refrigerator with an even temperature and few temperature differences. Samsung’s All Around Cooling technology ensures that the refrigerator maintains an even temperature so that your food lasts longer. longer.
  7. Also make sure to look, smell and taste foods even if they have passed best before the date as many products are usable even after the specific date.