Veterinarian Uses Fold2 To Help Treat Wounded Animals

April 26, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

Our world revolves around our smartphones. As much as it pains some of us to admit this fact, we will feel lost without the presence of our pocket sized companions. A smartphone serves a variety of functions to serve tasks for both work and play. However, ost of the time, they’re used for less costructive means.

That isn’t true for Dr. Kwane Stewart, a veterinarian with more than 20 years of experience in ensuring the health and safety of animals. The good doctor travels around his city armed with a medicne kit and a Galaxy Z Fold2 to tend the needs of wounded or sick animals.

He uses his Galaxy Z Fold2 to capture pictures of injuries or ailments. He also uses it to take notes and keep a read of on going treatments he administers. Dr. Stewart chooses to share his work online with friends and followers. His noble quest to help our two and four-legged friends is greatly appreciated by animal lovers everywhere.

His is just one many stories told by people who use thier smartphones to help make the world a better place. People like Dr. Stewart put us to shame because despite having the same computing power in our pockets as what NASA had in the 1960s, we barely use them for anything more than entertainment.