Wordtune Makes It Easier To Write Emails And Texts

October 27, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Constructing grammatically correct and coherent sentences can be an arduous task. This is due in part to the relative complexity involved with mastering the English language. English is essentially a trench coat used to disguise the fact that it’s actually a combination of several other languages. That’s why it’s difficult to get your point across in a brief text or email.

Well, thanks to artificial intelligence, this is no longer a problem. It’s called Wordtune, and its available as a Chrome extension for Google Chrome. It’s a helpful tool built by AI21 labs that harnesses the power of machine learning. Once installed, it integrates with your browser, allowing you to access its functions on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and many others.

Currently, Wordtune offers two plans. The first is free but has extremely limited functionality. It only allows for exploring alternative words and phrases as well as the ability to explore ways to rewrite sentences. The premium plan, available for USD9.99/month, covers a variety of features that should prove useful to many people.

All things considered, Wordtune is meant to be a writing companion, not a grammar teacher. It’s purpose is to help us construct concise and accurate sentences without having to beat around the bush. Though it can correct grammatical mistakes, for all intents and purposes, its a tool that is supposed to help convert your thoughts into coherent sentences.

Al21 labs says that Wordtune doesn’t spy on you. Though they admit that they do harvest data, but it’s only to help improve their AI algorithm. Nobody at the company will be able to access or read your work, regardless of how often you use Wordtune. Take a look at this list of frequently asked questions (FAQ), if you still have some concerns about the software.

One of the many advantages of Wordtune is that it provides various different alternative sentences or words. Instead of dictating how a particular word or sentence is constructed, it allows you to choose an option that suits your context. The AI highlights its suggested words in purple, so that you know what’s yours and whether you’d like to make further changes.

There many uses cases for software like Wordtune. It can help you get your point across accurately while avoiding miscommunication with colleagues or subordinates. This is something many of us needed yesterday.