Xiaomi Declares Company Is Coronavirus Free

March 22, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

The worst is apparently over for China as far as COVID-19 is concerned. The country has recorded a declining number of new infections over the past several weeks, which indicates that they have finally turned a corner. Xiaomi has lent credence to this claim by stating that, as of today, its workers are infection free.

The Chinese smartphone maker announced that all 2,000 of its staffers in Wuhan are free of the COVID-19 infection. In addition to this, it also stated that normal business operations and production have resumed in the state. And Xiaomi expects the launch of the Redmi K30 Pro to go as planed on March 24th.

The company also says that it expects to launch at least 10 new 5G smartphones this year. The logic behind this move is based on a certain level of optimism. Once the rest of the world recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, Xiaomi expects demand for new devices to return to normal.

Xiaomi thinks that its proactive approach helped prevent new infections at the company. This included delivering a total of 234,000 face masks, 1,277 bottles of disinfectant, 7,402 bottles of instant hand sanitizer, 1,366 boxes of disposable gloves, 2,121 packages of disinfectant cotton and 1,270 thermometers to its stores.

In the past two weeks, the company has also provided aid to European countries battling with the novel coronavirus. So far, tens of thousands of FFP3 faces masks were sent to Italy. In collaboration with Wuhan University, 200,000 surgical masks, 100,000 N95 standard masks, 10,000 protective suits, and 10,000 protective masks, were sent to South Korea.

Xiaomi considers the health and safety of its workforce, both in China and abroad, of paramount importance. And as such, it is actively monitoring the day-to-day practices including travel controls, self-quarantine policy and provision of protective materials.