AirConsole Games, A Fun Way To Liven Up A Virtual Meeting

February 5, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

AirConsole Meet – Play with your team in video calls

Companies and their workers are grappling with the challenges of WFH (Work From Home) life. Everyday social interactions such as coffee breaks and hallway chats are don’t happen. Instead, all we have are a string of never ending video calls throughout the day. There’s not enough time to enjoy the camaraderie that is often associated with office life.

It’s an important aspect of working life, being able to share share in each others joys and tribulations. As such it’s important that we stay connected with team members with better system for virtual calls. This will help to foster team spirit and culture while breaking down the barriers that have been put up by the pandemic.

AirConsole Meet enforces social interaction through simple gaming. It uses cloud technology and works with any video conferencing service that supports screen sharing, such as, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. The meeting host shares their screen through in the call.

Each participant controls the game running in the video conference call by using their smartphone. They will still be able to see everyone’s faces while conversing. No software installations are needed, everything is web-based. This reduces the learning curve and the need for expensive hardware.

Over a dozen games are available to play on AirConsole Meet such as social quizzes to test your colleagues’ knowledge as well as games that require teamwork and cooperative play. You may also want to consider creating your own corporate trivia contest, which is a playful way to allow your team to bond after an online presentation.

“We are hoping to bond teams across the globe with AirConsole Meet with our focus on being close to teams, onboarding new staff, and nurturing company culture in these rough times. It has been a game-changer for us and has become a valuable part of our team calls and virtual gatherings.” says Anthony Cliquot, COO of AirConsole.

AirConsole Meet is completely free during the early access phase and is instantly accessible at