Apple Watch has real world medical benefits

November 24, 2019 Off By Rowena Cletus

The Apple Watch Series 5 is the culmination of five generations’ worth of smartwatch technological advancements. It has an Always-On Retina display, built-in compass, heart rate monitor and emergency calling. These features are in addition to new hardware that make the watch an impressive piece of technology. They give it the capability to be more than a vanity piece.

It’s FDA approved ECG app has immense potential, especially when it comes to detecting early warning signs of a medical issue. According to an article by The New York Post, a 74-year-old woman named Marie Bourque, owes her life to this feature. Her Apple Watch alerted her in the middle of the night of her irregular heartbeat.

This warning saved her from a potential stroke or heart attack. If it weren’t for her smartwatch, Bourque may not have been aware of her impending health problem. Besides this, the Apple Watch can also detect when its wearer has fallen down. And has the ability to contact emergency responders on his/her behalf.

Unlike Android smartwatches, Apple has made far greater strides in advancing health and fitness tracking. It’s ability to miniaturize potential life saving tech leaves us to hope that its successors will improve on this technology and take it to greater heights.

Health News Source: The New York Times