Cyber-Physical Approach In The Automotive Industry, Working Toward the Future

November 26, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

From Model-based development to virtual recreations of mechanical systems used to simulate actual components, virtual simulations are becoming increasingly popular in the manufacturing sector, especially the automotive industry. Toshiba is leveraging a cyber-physical approach to MBD to help companies rebuild better, more sustainable solutions for greater productivity and efficiency.

Cyber-physical world
It is extremely time consuming to test the efficiency and safety of individual components and is nearly impossible to create the software required to keep pace with the number of electronic components, systems and more that are currently being worked on within the CASE fields.

Toshiba’s Distributed Co-Simulation Platform, using a cyber-physical approach, can revolutionize what can be achieved, thus simplifying the challenges in automotive companies’ day-to-day life. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are called those which gather real-world data and analyze it using AI within a cyber or digital environment before implementing the findings within the physical world to generate added value.

Using a CPS approach to MBD, Toshiba has essentially progressed this approach beyond older large-scale simulation techniques, connecting multiple models – parts suppliers and automakers – in a single digital testing environment.

In the near future, automotive manufacturers will be able to produce a fully virtual, any imaginable, prototype of a car simply by doing this much earlier they will enable those necessary verifications of today’s complex automotive control systems.

Automakers could use all this connectivity to improve quality and productivity by having different supplier combos automated to lower man-hours. Simulations could be done in the cloud to speed reaction cycles and lower latency, and the improvements in verification would accomplish the same for the wider sourcing process.

An enhanced partnership approach to techniques such as model-based software development will probably be the first step, but as the physical and digital worlds continue to converge, we will undoubtedly see the emergence of more cyber-physical systems which will transform the manner in which we work and live across numerous domains.