High-Tech Office Park To Be Built in Hainan, China

October 28, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

China has grand plans for Hainan, an island in its southern region. It has commissioned Sweco, a Swedish architectural firm, to help develop a new “high-tech” park that will attract international tech companies. Expected to be inaugurated in 2024, the project has a total building area of 500,000 square meters.

However, the plan isn’t for office buildings alone. But, includes ones for R&D, housing, trade, schools and a hospital. Hainan Future Official Park Investment and Holding co, Ltd is the company in charge of the development, and Sweco says that the first phase alone, will cost approximately 9.7- 11.4 million US dollars.

“We are of course very proud to have the opportunity to contribute our expertise in architecture and sustainable urban development in an assignment that will affect very many people for a long time,” says Daan Cedergren acting. CEO of Sweco Sweden’s architectural business.

A project of this magnitude requires careful thought and execution. Adding to the complexity is the fact that the world is still reeling from the effects of COVID-19. Though China has managed to contain the spread, there’s still the possibility of a resurgence, especially when multiple parties are involved in a mega construction project.

The Hainan office park is supposed to be built with sustainability in mind and through the use of the latest technology serve as a landmark for China. Sweco has been involved with urban development projects in China for the past 20 years. The company says that it has been responsible for several high-profile urban planning around the country.

Sweco has a workforce of 17,500 employees in Europe and has a turn over of 2.36 billion US dollars. The company carries our assignments in about 70 countries each year, and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.swecogroup.com.