Microsoft To Be Carbon Negative by 2030

January 20, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

Microsoft wants to limit its impact on the environment. In fact, being carbon neutral is no longer sufficient – the company wants to be carbon negative by 2030. In layman’s terms, the software giant wants to reverse the harm it has caused since it was established.

How do you take back your carbon footprint, starting from 1975? Well, this entails backing several initiatives that help dramatically offset what it uses. It will invest $1 billion of its own money in a new Climate Innovation Fund to develop carbon reduction and removal tech.

The company will also develop digital technology that its suppliers and customers can utilize to reduce their carbon footprints. Microsoft will also shift to using only renewable sources of energy by 2025. This will power its data centers, buildings, campuses and fleet vehicles.

In addition to this, Microsoft will also impose a tough internal carbon tax on each of its divisions. A fee, $15/metric ton will need to be paid by each division for their carbon emissions. The sum collected will then be used to pay for sustainability improvements.

The company estimates that by 2050 it would have removed all of ts carbon emissions either directly or through electrical consumption. This is tall order, but every bit helps. Climate change is a very real problem, and it needs to dealt with, quickly.