Restore Performance Of Your Android Smartphone

November 21, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

Let’s face it, those of us who don’t have the means to purchase a flagship smartphone, will have to deal with performance issues associated with mediocre hardware. Over time, our devices get bloated with errant apps and widgets that rob us of hardware resources. Whether it be intentional or not, is immaterial. This can lead to serious lagging or app crashes that render our phones useless.

This problem is worse for users whose phones have less than 6GB RAM. Limited memory means that you need to be extra frugal with resource management and ensure that the operating system has a sufficient allocation of it. The following are some effective steps that can help keep your older phone somewhat useable:

Delete Unnecessary Apps

Over the lifespan of your smartphone, it will amass a collection of apps that range from indispensable, important to somewhat useful. These apps, even if lay dormant, take up significant storage space. This becomes especially apparent if you’re making do with 64GB or 128GB of storage.

Besides this, all of them, if left unchecked, will also be competing for the available RAM. When usable memory becomes scares, that’s when a smartphone’s performance begins to deteriorate to the point where lagging and app crashes occur frequently. Delete what’s not important, and you’ll notice a slight uptick in overall responsiveness.

Limit Which apps are allowed to show notifications

If you’re still can’t device what to delete, limiting push notifications can help dramatically improve overall system performance. Apps run in the background to fetch data and present them to you via notifications. Some provide useful information on package delivery dates, flight schedules or important emails. Many others simply spam you with unwanted messages throughout the day.

These pop-up notifications rob you of memory and ruin overall system performance. But you have the ability to decide, which apps are allowed to display notifications. The option should be in the settings menu. If you’re unsure of where to find it, use the search function by typing the word “Notifications”.

Limit the number of apps that can run in the background

Barring notifications, putting apps to sleep can dramatically reduce battery drain and increase overall system performance. Android 11 provide a clever way of managing your apps. Nestled within the battery usage settings menu, is the option to decide whether an app is put to sleep, deep sleep or never sleeping.

Sleep will only permit apps to run occasionally, while deep sleep prevents any app on its list to run in the background. This way, you get to decide how many apps are able to run freely without user intervention. Older versions of Android do offer similar functionality to limit background activity. However, it can be little more cumbersome to access because you’ll need to access developer options.

Whatever the case maybe, the aforementioned tips will help improve overall performance of an aging smartphone.