Take A Look At What It’s Like Inside Microsoft’s Data Center

April 29, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

Ever wondered what it would be like in an actual datacenter? Well, Microsoft is giving you a first hand view of what such a place looks like through the use of your web browser. It’s basically a guided tour of the facility with links to YouTube videos as an overview of what the place has to offer as well as server capabilities and other functions.

At the start, you are given access to a simplified layout the entire facility in an interactive 3D-like view. You can use your mouse to move around and see the various structures within the compound of said data centre. Though not actual footage of the facility, the 3D model is close to life like. There are green dots scattered throughout the tour that you click to reveal more information.

Microsoft lets you choose where you’d like to go or how long you’d like to spend in a certain place. The 360-degree view gives users a first hand experience of the complexity involved in running such a facility. You’re given access to the server room, network room, operations area, innovation room and several others.

The tour provides detailed access to the entire facility and the YouTube linked videos provide better insight into the inner workings of the respective sections. One example of this is the explanation on the power and cooling solutions within the facility. It shows how much effort Microsoft has spent on renewable sources of energy.

Take a look at the guided tour for yourself and see first hand of what it’s like to be in a cloud facility and how it operates.