Explore Important Moments With Google Arts & Culture Apps

August 25, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

If you’re a history buff or someone who likes to revisit important moments or to an extent ‘creatures’in history, you should download the Google Arts & Culture app (available for Android and iOS). The Search giant has collaborated with institutions such as Moscow’s State Darwin Museum and London’s Natural History Museum to bring to life some interesting prehistoric animals.

The company used its AR (Augmented Reality) technology to allow the app to display creatures such as the Cambropachycope, an ancient crustacean on your phone screen. It is overlayed on your what your camera sees, providing for a sense of realism to the experience. It aims to educate users on the sizes important infomration about these creatures and how they behaved.

Want to know how Neil Armstrong’s A-7L spacesuit looks like? Well, now you can with a full 360 degree view. The same is true for various objects and animals, with a high level of detail. Google should be commended for this, not only does this open avenues to the world of history and culture, but allows young minds to learn and have fun at the same time.

Besides the Cambropachycope, there are several other species of wildlife to choose from as well as other objects that include the Apollo 11 command module. Users can snap a video or photo of them anywhere, and relive the odd experience at any time. It’s Google’s way of making the learning experience, more entertaining and informative at the same time.

Besides the AR experience, the Google Arts & Culture app can provide for an immersive experience. Appreciate some of the world’s historic landmarks with the help of Google Cardboard or a similar case. The app then provides a 360 degree view of ancient sites or in depth look at museums around the world.

It’s simply astonishing to witness the breath of information available our finger tips. there are a multitude of topics ranging from various species of wild life to visiting places steeped in history. All this can be done without even leaving your home, it’s the perfect solution for people who like to explore but are hindered by the COVID-19 restrictions.