Musicians Find Renewed Hope Online

November 16, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

The pandemic has caused major disruptions around the world. The lockdowns or stay-at-home orders that ensued to mitigate the spread of the virus have also had negative effects on the economy and mental health of the population. The music sector has been hurt most by this problem. Cancellation of large scale gatherings have halted events like concerts and orchestras.

Since people weren’t allowed to leave their homes, unless its to purchase essential items, musicians have had little chance to work and create compositions as they did before. As such, and like the rest of us, they have had to shift to an online environment where they communicated and worked in virtual spaces.

For the most part, it has been beneficial because in-person competition, which isn’t very healthy, has reduced allowing each party to focus on their targets and goals. It has also allowed many musicians from all walks of life, to come together in the spirit camaraderie, to spread joy through the love of music.

Microsoft Teams, an online video conferencing platform is one such tool being utilized to continue this great work and conduct such sessions. Teachers and students can, in real time, witness their progress and witness how they may work as a team to accomplish their targets. Since little time is spent commuting, more focus can be placed on the actual music.

A great example of this is the rendition of a revered Turkish folk song performed by students aged 9 to 25. It was released in April this year on the 100th anniversary of National Sovereignty and Children’s Day (a holiday that has the country celebrating its children). It goes to show, that in the midst of great uncertainty, our willingness to come together, creates the path forward.