Nymi Wearable Offers Seemless Authenticated Access

September 15, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

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Nymi Inc has launch version 3.0 of its workplace wearable wristband. Similar in appearance to fitness trackers, the device is meant to streamline the authentication process of accessing locations, systems or devices. The device works underneath uniforms or personal protective equipment (PPE), which offers a good level of convenience, for hands-free and proximity based authentication.

It uses what what the company calls zero-trust security, which authenticates and provides access control by using one’s fingerprint and heartbeat biometrics. The device is supposed to enable more secure access authentication. In other words, its a biometric device that keeps tabs on your identity and signs you in, as and when needed.

On-Body Detection (OBD) is a feature that ensures that the band is always on the intended wearer. Since each person’s biometric data is unique, it’s able to authenticate the wearer and allow them access to designated areas or information of interest, with relative ease.

“Many organizations operate in extremely complex and regulated environments that make digital transformation, security and now, with COVID-19, health and safety for every worker a challenge,” said Chris Sullivan, CEO of Nymi. “With Nymi, you get a safer, more productive and more secure way to come back to work.”

This tech can even prove useful in areas where social distancing and contact tracing are needed. It can store contact logs for authorized personnel to both understand and stem the spread of contagious diseases like COVID-19. And its location functioning ability can warn the wearer to maintain a safe distance from everyone else.


The Nymi Band is designed for workplace use by technicians, engineers, and active workers in sectors such as pharmaceutical and device manufacturing, medical equipment, chemicals, building management, and industry manufacturing. In addition to this, connected workers and technicians and sign hundreds of digital documents per day without the need to re-authenticate themselves.

The Nymi band is a workplace wearable,that is unlike any other wearable on the market. It is said to have a very long battery life and has built-in safe guards that prevent intrusions or data theft. It’s a safer and more convenient method of authenticating ones access into restricted areas or systems.