Ring’s Always Home Cam Can Watch Over Your Home

September 26, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Surveillance technology has come a long way since the early 2000s. Ring, an Amazon company, has come up with an Always Home Cam. Basically, it’s a CCTV built into a drone. This T-shaped contraption uses four miniature, shrouded propellers to fly and hover over pre-selected flight paths. This way, it can keep an eye on your entire house while you’re away.

The idea behind this product, is a ‘one size fits all’ approach in terms of home surveillance. Instead of having multiple cameras scattered all over your home, a single Ring Always Home Cam can do the same job without missing a thing. It emits a hum when operational. This is intentionally done to indicate when its recording or listening -in, to protect your privacy.

When not in use, it parks itself into the base. While here, its camera is obscured, so it won’t be able to record anything, a plus point for user privacy. Now, this camera can’t be flown manually, you have to pre-select sections of your home were it is allowed to fly. But it has sensors that will prevent it from colliding into anyone or anything placed in the way.

An added advantage of having this type of camera system, is that you can get it to scout your entire home, while watching the feed on your smartphone. And instead of having to rush back home to check if you left the tv on, the Always Home Cam can do the checking for you. It takes out a lot of the ‘anxiety’ out of the circumstances where you’ve left home in a hurry.

When used in tandem with the Ring home alarm system, the Always Home Cam can function as a sentry. When the alarm is triggered, it can take off and inspect your entire home for signs of the intruders. It does this, while you watch the feed on your phone, from a safe distance. It’s an autonomous system that keeps your home safe, and keep you out of harm’s way.

Amazon’s new toy is not officially on sale, but that should happen once the product receives the necessary approval from the relevant authorities. But it goes to show, what can be achieved with just a little ingenuity and technical know-how.