Roomba j7+ Robot Vacuum Can Identify Your Pet’s ‘Surprises’

September 9, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

Home cleaning robots should follow your precise instructions and understand your preferences, so they can clean your home perfectly. iRobot a leader in consumer robots, today released its latest Roomba j7+ robotic vacuum and iRobot Genius 3.0 Home Intelligence which gives it even more control over cleaning.

Genius Home Intelligence 3.0
With iRobot Genius, its artificial intelligence and personalized work-flows are available on a broad range of robot vacuums and mops. Roomba j7+ is also compatible with iRobot Genius 3.0, which includes the following features:

Work around your schedule: Schedules should be adapted to fit the robot. The user can now define a boundary around their home using their phone’s location services, which will trigger the robot to start cleaning when the smartphone leaves (and returns to) the boundary.

Coaching for Smart Maps and Room Names: New customers can use the robot to help them during their onboarding and subsequent cleaning to customize their Smart Map, ensuring it is optimized for intelligent, efficient navigation of their homes. Smart Map customization will be even easier as the robot will automatically recommend room labels once the robot is done learning the home’s floorplan.

Estimated cleaning time : In a hurry? Have you forgotten to run your robot but guests are on their way? Check out our new Clean Time Estimates to see how long a job will take. The iRobot Home App displays a time estimate for the room – or rooms – customers have chosen for cleaning in the iRobot Imprint Smart Mapping robot2.

Drive Quietly: While your robot is traveling to or from a cleaning job, tell it to keep it down while it is nearby. If you need to clean a specific area, but need some quiet, do this. When the robot is not actively cleaning, Quiet Drive will shut down vacuuming components.

Avoids hazards
It uses iRobot Genius to recognize and avoid obstacles in real time, such as cords and pet waste, powered by PrecisionVision Navigation. The Roomba j7+ learns your home and reacts in real time to it. In the living room, Roomba j7+ will recognize and avoid dropping a charging cord on the floor. If your new puppy left a “surprise” in the hallway, the Roomba j7+ will detect it and maneuver around it.

Because it can identify and anticipate walls and furniture, it can also slow its approach for a gentle clean around objects and along edges. Using Imprint™ Smart Mapping technology, the Roomba j7+ learns the layout of your home to allow you to select which rooms are cleaned via the iRobot Home App or voice assistant. PrecisionVision Navigation, which is continuously updated over-the-air over the next several months through iRobot Genius, will also improve while also revealing new cleaning experiences by identifying an even larger number of obstacles.

Keeps you informed, follows your directions
Roomba j7+ improves with every use. Roomba j7+ learns your preferences by interacting with you and adapts to keep a cleaner home through intelligent intelligence technology provided by iRobot Genius. The Roomba j7+ detects obstacles and hazards on your floor and takes a photo.

This photo is then sent to the iRobot Home App so that the robot can be instructed to avoid or clean around the obstacle. The iRobot Home App also allows you to provide feedback on how the Roomba j7+ should handle such obstacles in the future. It keeps you informed about clutter and hazards in the home, such as pet waste. Additionally, it increases the likelihood of a successful completion of the task.

Smart, handle the mess
No matter what cleaning needs you have – even those that you don’t know about yet. iRobot Genius enables the Roomba j7+ to learn how you like to clean and make personalized suggestions, even when your home may need more frequent cleaning due to pet shedding or allergy season. Roomba’s j7+ can offer personalized cleaning schedules based on what rooms and times you like to clean. iRobot Genius even allows the Roomba j7+ to clean while you’re away and stop when you return, so you don’t have to notice the cleaning. A Braava Jet® M6 robot mops after the Roomba j7+ has finished vacuuming with Imprint® Link Technology exclusive to iRobot.

Classy Designed
The Roomba j7+ robot and its Clean Base® Automatic Dirt Disposal are designed to integrate seamlessly into your home. A stylish spun metal surface and a one-button design make the robot appealing and convenient. The Clean Base can fit under tables and takes up less space thanks to its innovative redesign.

A premium, textured design complements any interior, and hidden storage ensures that you have an extra bag available at all times. Clean Base lets you stop vacuuming for weeks at a time. With roomba j7+ robot vacuum, the enclosed bag will last for up to 60 days without having to be replaced, which is twice as long as other brands claim. You don’t have to worry about mess or dust when you empty the low-maintenance Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal system. Remove the used bag from the base and replace it with a new one.