Brace Yourselves For The Age Of Absent Phone Chargers

October 25, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Apple has decided not to include a phone charger or wired earphones with a purchase of any iPhone 12 model. Citing ‘environmental impact’ concerns, Cupertino’s odd move to omit an essential accessory could be a game-changer. Ignoring the fact that it has been included in every phone box since the first mobile phone, the humble charger is now considered an ‘optional’ accessory.

The consensus at Apple is that most iPhone users already have chargers lying around their homes. And as such, It’s pointless to keep collecting more of them. In addition to this, the act of charging a phone wirelessly, is quickly becoming the preferred method. The relative convenience and flexibility that this technology offers, far outweigh its drawbacks.

Another point to support this argument is the fact most of us are entrenched in our loyalty towards either iOS or Android. It’s highly unlikely that an iPhone user would switch to Android due to him/her being tied down to the app ecosystem and various subscriptions services (Apple Music, Apple TV+ etc.).

Read Also: Why The iOS Vs Android Argument Is Pointless

Switching to Android, is not only about breaking the shackles of servitude, rather is about having re-adjust to an alien operating system that isn’t as user friendly. Then there’s also the tedium of searching for, and repurchasing your entire app library. It simply doesn’t make economic sense, especially if you’ve been purchasing apps and services for several years.

This trillion dollar company has done its due diligence. It would have weighed the pros and cons before it decided to remove the power brick from the iPhone 12. The new phones are shipped in much smaller boxes that weigh significantly less. This means that the cost of shipping a batch of iPhones is less than it was just a year ago.

Sadly, these savings don’t trickle down to the general consumer. The iPhone 11 (6.1-inch screen) at launch retailed for $699. The iPhone 12 Mini, Apple’s cheapest new iPhone (5.4-inch screen) costs the same. This is also true for the iPhone 12 Pro Max, albeit it has a slightly bigger screen than its predecessor.

If you’ve just switched from Android to iPhone or need a replacement charger, you would need to purchase one. And the odds are, you’ll probably walk out of an Apple Store with a more expensive fast charger or wireless one rather than what you initially wanted. The advantages though significant, are difficult to justify due their exorbitant price tags.

The benefits of being environmentally conscious are very clear. The nobility of doing the right thing, though unpopular, is worth its weight in gold. And if this is something the Apple community can deal with, then good for them. But Cupertino is also considered a trend setter. Most Android manufacturers choose to shadow most of its design and business decisions.

As such, it won’t be long before your next Android phone, will be shipped without a phone charger or earphones. Why, you might ask? Well, its more environmentally friendly because in the grand scheme of things, phone companies will be doing their part in reducing e-waste. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself this : Why don’t flagship phones have a headphone jack?

Apple started this fad, in an attempt to convince us that wireless earbuds were the future. When the iPhone X came out, Android manufacturers banded together to ridicule Cupertino for its haphazard attempt at killing off the legacy port. Where are these skeptics now? Android manufactures, both big and small, are flogging us with their own version of Apple’s fabled Airpods.

It also makes good business sense because now, besides splurging on a new smartphone, you’ll also need to invest in a pair of wireless earphones. It may not be good for your wallet, but it’s good for business. And admittedly, I too use a pair of wireless earphones because I resent having to untangle my wired ones each time I want to use them.

Mid-range and lower-end Android smartphones still have headphone jacks. But that won’t be the case for long. Apple became a trillion dollar company because they have exceptionally brilliant sales and marketing people. And all it’s Android competitors have been doing for years, is playing catch up. It’s a sad fact that we have come to accept.

As such, and based on past experiences, the diminutive box that houses the iPhone 12, will eventually encase your next new Android phone. The reason here is, you probably have several phone chargers lying around your home, so why would you need another one?