Make WhatsApp Video And Voice Calls On Your PC

March 6, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

WhatsApp has upgraded its desktop application to include video and voice calls features. Formerly a basic online chatting app, the new upgrade will allow users to converse with callers over PCs or Macs through the use of a webcam. It’s supposed to work seamlessly for both portrait and landscape orientations.

The feed appears in a resizable standalone window that takes precedence over other tabs or windows. It’s placed ‘always on top’, making sure that you never lose sight of your video chat despite having multiple stacks of open windows on your desktop. As of now, the program only allows for video chats with a single person.

WhatsApp wants to iron out all the creases first, by ensuring that its service can deliver a reliable and high-quality experience to its user base. Eventually, it will allow for group voice and video calls in the future. The company also stressed that said chats use end-to-end encryption, so it can’t listen in or view your conversations.

About 1.4 billion voice and video calls were made using WhatsApp during last New Year’s Eve. This, the company claims, was a new record for the most number of calls made in a single day. Prolonged isolation and social distancing due to COVID-19 have made video calls the de facto mode of communication, so the record didn’t come as a surprise to most of us.

It doesn’t matter whether you are on a smartphone or desktop, WhatsApp users can initiate video calls with contacts irrespective of their computing platform. But It’s perplexing as to why the company has taken this long to catch on to the idea of extending its video chat functionality to desktop users – but it’s better late than never.