WhatsApp Now Lets You Send Video Messages to Contacts

July 28, 2023 Off By Naveen Victor

Image Credit: WhatsApp

WhatsApp now allows you to send brief, video messages. The feature builds upon the already popular voice messages service by allowing you to see the person or whatever they intend on showing you. However, unlike voice messages, you’re only allowed to record video footage that is up to 60 seconds long.

Recording a short video message is easy. Just start like how you would when recording a voice message, however, this time you will need to tap to switch to video mode, and hold to record said video. Alternatively, you could swipe up to lock and record a video, hands-free.

Video messages that are sent to you will automatically play on mute when opened in a chat. You’ll need to tap on said video to watch it with sound. WhatsApp says that like other forms of chat on its platform, Video messages are protected with end-to-end encryption to ensure that they are kept as secure as possible.

The company says that the Video messages feature is being rolled out to the app now, however it will take a few weeks before everyone, globally, will have access to it.