Motorola to unveil foldable phone in November

October 19, 2019 Off By Naveen Victor

Motorola might be dipping its toes into the foldable smartphone market sooner than expected. According to an article by CNET, the smartphone maker has sent out invitations for an event on November 13 stating that it plans on unveling a reinvented icon. Rumor has it that this could signal the rebirth of the venerable Motorola Razr.

Back in the day, the Razr was a solution for time before touchscreen smartphones. A foldable device that could comfortably accommodate a reasonably big screen and a full sized keypad. But it grew far beyond its initial purpose and morphed into a fashion icon of its time. Till this day, the device has a sizable cult following, which was probably what spurred the company on to reinvent it.

Now that foldable displays are a thing, Motorola could introduce a Razr with a touchscreen that folds vertically into itself, occupying the same footprint as the original. Instead of what Huawei and Samsung are doing with their smartphones, Motorola’s approach seems less of a novelty and more of a matter of convenience.

Alternatively, Motorola could just introduce a Razr with dual screens, not unlike the Microsoft Surface Duo. It could feature two screens connected by a metal hinge, one as the primary display, while the other doubling as a second screen and as a full sized keypad. Speculation is rife that this won’t be your average run-of-the-mill unveiling, due in part to the released teaser images.

The event is scheduled for the 13th of November 2019, which may seem like an eternity to tech enthusiasts, but it has probably been aligned to coincide with the holiday season. Stay tuned, and we will let you know more, soon.

Source: CNET