New Android Features Address Security And Scheduled Messaging

February 28, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

The Android operating system has been receiving useful updates at a steady pace. They range from somewhat useful to extremely important, which include the ones stated in this article. What is appreciated most from the steady stream of upgrades is the fact that they aren’t confined to devices that are on the latest operating system.

Google has recently introduced several new updates that it hopes will help make Android phones more secure and convenient to use. Here’s what we can expect:

Password Checkup
Many of us have opted to save our login credentials within our Google accounts for the sake of convenience. There’s nothing more irritating than having to rummage through your notes to find a password. Allowing Google to automatically log you into various websites, saves time and is fairly secure.

But the company has decided to up the ante by integrating Password Checkup into devices that are running Android 9 or later. This feature informs users if their passwords have been exposed and what they might be able to do about it.

How does this work? Well, passwords that you enter into an app on your phone with Google’s autofill feature, will be checked against a list of known compromised passwords. This includes ones that have been potentially stolen and exposed on the web. If you fall victim to this type of theft, Google will alert you to this issue and guide you on the necessary steps to take.

Schedule When Messages Are Sent To Recipients
An update to Google’s Messages app will allow users with devices that are running Android 7 or later, to compose a message but have it sent at a time and date of their choosing. Getting this done is quite simple. Just type your message as you normally would, then press and hold the send button until you are provided with option to select a date and time to deliver it.

Please remember that Google’s Messages app isn’t the same as that provided by your phone manufacturer. Unless you use a Pixel phone or one that is part of the Android One programme, you are probably using a version of the Messages app that is unique to your phone’s manufacturer. If this is the case, you can download Google’s version in the Play Store.

Smarter Google Assistant
We rely on Google’s voice assistant for quite a lot, because its usefulness has been improving progressively. Now, it can get things done while your phone is locked or not on your person. Just say “Hey Google, set an alarm” or “Hey Google, play pop music on Spotify. But to take advantage of this, you’ll need to turn on Lock Screen Personal Results in Assistant settings.

Google Maps Dark Mode
Now, you can enable the “Always in Dark Theme” setting within Google Maps’ themes section. Dark mode not only looks cooler, but is easier on the eyes and uses less battery power. You can always switch it back to the default setting by selecting “Always in Light Theme”.

Improved Android Auto
Android Auto’s new feature lets you install custom wallpapers to personalize your car display. On long drives, you can ask Google to initiate voice-activated games like trivia and “Jeopardy!” Just say, “Hey Google, play a game” to get this started. It’s a fun way to keep occupants entertained and keep your mind alert during the journey.

You can now place shortcuts on your launch screen for easier access to contacts or complete tasks like checking the weather or remotely adjusting the thermostat. Compatible displays can make use of the split screen feature of Android Auto, which allows Google Maps and media controls to run side by side.

Lastly, you can also set a privacy screen to control when Android Auto appears on your car display. These features will definitely be of use to many Android users who are constantly on the move. The new updates are part of the company’s commitment to constantly improve and upgrade the underlying features within Android.