Roborock S8 Pro Ultra: It Mops & Vacuums Your Home, Then Cleans Itself Once Done

April 12, 2023 Off By Naveen Victor

Roborock’s range of vacuums aim to do away with the tedium associated with cleaning one’s home. Instead of having to allot hours of one’s free time to thoroughly, vacuum, mop and clean the floors and carpets, the company wants users to offload these arduous and time-consuming tasks to its autonomous vacuums.

Entrusting a machine to keep your home free from dust, dirt and bacteria could help keep you out of harm’s way. After all, it only takes a small number of debris contacting you to cause an allergy flair-up or full-blown immune response. This is why Roborock is introducing its flagship robot vacuum – The Roborock S8 Pro Ultra.

This disc-shaped autonomous vacuum’s home is the 6-in-1 RockDock Ultra. It’s a docking station that comprises of six different functions, which keep the S8 Pro Ultra clean, dry and ready for action at a moment’s notice.

The gist of it is that it offers automatic mop washing, dust emptying, auto-refilling, self-cleaning, fast charging and mop air-drying features that usually require human intervention. Each feature is an incredibly convenient maintenance solution that takes dirty jobs away from humans, and instead allows us to focus on work that matters.

Through the use of its 3D Obstacle Avoidance & PreciSense LiDAR Navigation system, the S8 Pro Ultra is able to meander throughout the home as efficiently as possible. Its front-mounted system uses the 3D structured light and infrared imaging technology to allow the vacuum cleaner to identify and avoid potential hazards on the floor, then clean around them.

According to Roborock, the system is able to identify up to 42 real-world objects that include footwear left on the floor and navigate around them with little to no fuss. It’s an impressive, worry-free cleaning method that works both in bright and dark rooms, so the S8 Pro Ultra can go about its business as scheduled regardless of whether you’ve turned the lights on or not.

It works in tandem with the PreciSense LiDAR navigation system, that scans and creates detailed maps for an optimal route of cleaning one’s house. This allows for the S8 Pro Ultra to have a clear and unobstructed path of sucking dirt and moping surfaces with ease. If your home has multiple floors, the device can remember them all! Up to 4 floors are supported.

Through the use of the Roborock smartphone app, users can customize a number of features to their liking. For example, it can automatically detect places where the vacuum is prone to be stuck and suggests that said areas are flagged as No-Go Zones. This way, the vacuum will avoid them and as such reduce the chances of being backed into a corner.

In addition to this, the app also lets you draw invisible walls that prevent the vacuum from entering certain areas of the home. But that isn’t all, you can set custom cleaning routines, which decide when and what areas are cleaned at a given time. With 3D mapping, you can add furniture and create detailed maps of your house for effective cleaning.

Roborock has also given the S8 Pro Ultra the ability to create a map 6 times faster before the first cleaning task, and if need be, cleans the area up 30% faster than the usual duration. This may prove to be a Godsend for times when you need an area cleaned in a hurry.

If you want to effectively mop an area, the surface needs to be cleaned of dust, dirt and other debris. Such particles, if picked up during the mopping process, have the potential to not only nullify the cleaning work but scuff the floor surface in the process.

The S8 Pro Ultra’s DuoRoller Multi-Directional Floating Brush is a unique element that allows for deeper cleaning of surfaces. It consists of dual rubber brushes that are designed to cause fewer hair tangles, which make it suitable for cleaning all kinds of surfaces including hardwood, tiles, carpets and rugs.

Roborock has also incorporated the Carpet Boost+ system into the S8 Pro Ultra’s cleaning abilities. It essentially boosts the effectiveness of vacuuming carpets without human intervention. Through the use of ultrasonic sound emitted from its base, this vacuum cleaner knows when its traversing over a carpet.

It then lifts the mop system automatically to prevent contact with the carpet. Then the DuoRoller goes to work to clean the surface thoroughly. Roborock says that it’s 30% more effective at picking up hair than previous systems, making it ideal for picking up pet hair or cleaning food crumbs off of the floor.

The roller is only part of the story because its job is sweeping dirt and debris from the floor and channel it toward the part of the actual suction system. Roborock’s S8 Pro Ultra uses HyperForce suction system that creates 6,000Pa of pressure, allowing the vacuum to reach deeper into surfaces to capture as much dirt as possible.

Once the vacuuming process is complete, the rollers lift up off the ground and the VibraRise 2.0 mopping system takes over. Its oscillation allows the mop surface to vibrate at 3,000 times per minute for better scrubbing ability while applying 6N of force onto the surface. When its internal tank is fully filled, the S8 Pro Ultra can mop an area of over 300sqm or 3230sqft.

Its high-speed scrubbing and consistent pressure applied to the floor allows the mop to clean just about anything including sodas and other liquids or stubborn dried spills. When compared to the previous system the VibraRise 2.0 has improved two-fold.

There are two vibration modules as opposed to a single one, which widens the overall cleaning zone making it far more efficient than what Roborock used to use. The system provides a hassle-free way of cleaning spills and dirt without any fuss. Once it’s done with the work, the mop system retracts by 5mm to prevent it from further contact with the ground.

Both the brush and mop system have the ability to retract when needed. When vacuuming or carpet cleaning, the mop remains lifted, while in Mop-only mode the brush roller is the one that is kept off of the ground. The only time when both brush and mop are kept lifted is when the S8 Pro Ultra returns to its dock.

If needed, you can have the S8 Pro Ultra vacuum and mop the floor simultaneously when time is of the essence and you require the floors to be spotless before guests arrive. Alternatively, if you want the job done right, the deep-cleaning method would be the preferred choice. Here, it vacuums then mops the floor for a thorough and effective cleaning process.

If it finds that the battery power isn’t sufficient to continue cleaning, the S8 Pro Ultra can scurry back to its docking station where it begins fast charging before resuming work. Compared to the previous model, it can charge 30% faster than before, allowing it to get more done in a relatively short timeframe.

However, if you’re worried about charging up during peak electricity usage times, Roborock gives you the ability to choose off-peak times when the S8 Pro Ultra is allowed to use electricity from the outlet. This way, you don’t incur unnecessarily high electricity charges during the day.

What sets the S8 Pro Ultra apart from most other robot vacuums when docked is its ability to wash and dry its mop, empty the dust and its ability refill the tank when necessary. It’s meant to be a worry-free maintenance solution that negates the need for you to do the cleaning work yourself.

During the self-washing phase, the robot mop is washed automatically. Then the dock safely dries the mop and the bottom of the dock itself by blowing warm air that prevents mold growth and minimizes unpleasant odors.

After each vacuuming cycle, the dust and dirt are automatically emptied while the dual brushes begin cleaning themselves. This nullifies the need for you to change the S8 Pro Ultra’s dust bag for up to 7 weeks – this should be music to the ears of procrastinators.

The bottom of the dock is also constantly cleaned to prevent any dust or dirt build-up. This frees up a lot of time that would have otherwise been spent by a single person on vacuuming, mopping and then washing everything themselves manually.

Roborock’s S8 Pro Ultra does these menial jobs on your behalf and instead allow you to focus on making dinner, catching up on your favourite series or spending quality time with the family. Its purpose is to take on the cleaning chores so that you can make better use of your precious time.

If you’re interested in purchasing this Roborock S8 Pro Ultra, it’s available to purchase for RM5,599 on the company’s official store on Shopee and Lazada.