Take charge of your 2021, Wrapped playlist

January 22, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

Spotify patiently curates our most ‘listened to’ tracks and albums throughout the year. Quietly working in the background, it remembers the stuff we like and the ones we loathe. And in December of each year, it presents to us our Wrapped experience. It is an in-app experience that celebrates the music and podcasts you listened to the most during the year.

The results usually catch us by surprise because we simply aren’t aware of how often certain tracks are played on repeat especially the ‘guilty pleasure’ ones that we refuse to acknowledge publicly. That said, Spotify tends to miss the mark at times and picks up songs that we don’t like.

As a means to avoid this in the future, here are simple methods you can do to ensure that your 2021 wrapped playlists is a reflection of you. Even if it’s 11 months away it’s still a good start.

1. Change the settings
If you don’t want your listening habits tracked, there’s a privacy mode that can be enabled. It’s called Spotify’s Private Listening mode. This mode allows you to enjoy what you’re listening to secretly—meaning what you listen to won’t show up in Friend Activity. It won’t be counted toward your Wrapped roundup, Discover Weekly, Release Radar, or others.

On your mobile device, you can access private listening mode by going to “Settings” under “Social,” then to “Private Session.” To end the Private Session, repeat the steps.

2. Segregate between your kids musicals playlist collection
You’re not alone if your favorite songs in Wrapped were Disney ballads, nursery rhymes, and the latest shows from Disney Parks. As a parent, everything you own belongs to your kids. This includes your smartphone and to an extent your streaming apps. But there’s a way to prevent your favoured tracks from being mixed up with that of your kids’.

Thanks to the Spotify Kids app, which is only available to Spotify Premium Family plan subscribers, children can now listen to their favorite tunes in an environment separate from the listening experience of their parents. They can also follow Spotify’s official Spotify Kids Blog for the best songs to play on Spotify Kids in 2020.

3. Activate the Mood
Spotify’s search function may not be perfect, but it’s getting there. You can use it to browse playlists—whether created by Spotify or user created—for any activity or mood.

The company says, “Next year’s Wrapped may change your favorite artists and genres by including more unique, specific genres, such as “permanent wave” and “escape room.” Or, tap Podcasts if you’d like to listen to something different, and you’ll be able to browse via genre (like true crime or sports), podcast playlists, or even podcast charts.”

4. Wrapped up for the year
Wrapped takes place annually, but is accessed year-round in the “Search” section of the app under “Browse all.” As well as streaming your personalized playlists, such as Your Top Songs, Missed Hits, and On Record, you will be able to replay your 2020 Wrapped experience.