2020 Has Been An Awful Year, So What Did We Search For?

December 13, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

This is one year, many of us would love to forget. Since the beginning of March, COVID 19 has caused havoc all over the world. The dramatic rise in infection rates caused hospitals admissions to soar, lockdowns were then put in place to mitigate the spread. This Introduced a ripple effect that caused irreparable damage throughout various industries.

Many of us were forced to stay in doors and rely on online tools to keep ourselves going. This includes constantly using Google’s search engine to answer questions and concerns at any given time. And though the Search giant admits that coronavirus was the top trending search word, we searched for several other terms too.

This included finding ways of helping people in need, how to support essential workers on the front lines and how to aid people affected by the wildfires in Australia. The level of empathy we exhibited for our fellow man, showed that in the midst of great uncertainty, we learn to put aside our differences and come together as one.

Though many suggested that these were the end times, many of us chose to remain optimistic and curious of the world we live in. Google says that we continued to ask “why is Mars red?”, “why do people dream? and “sourdough bread recipe”. Staying indoors for a prolonged period of time poses several challenges. But we did so, for the sake of those around us.

Every year, Google tabulates the most searched words, then shares them with us. This year, it took a closer look at tending topics across searches, news people, “how to,” virtual activities and more from across almost 70 countries. Take a look here for the most searched list at Google.com/2020.