Android Enterprise Allows You To Separate Work From Play

January 20, 2022 Off By Naveen Victor

Android is far more sophisticated today than it was a few years ago. The user management side of things are robust and easy to manage. This is why firms like Schneider Electric have deployed this mobile ecosystem to govern the network of employee devices.

Simon Hardt-Bistagne, Director of Solution Architecture for Schneider Electric believes that Android Enterprise is key to “securely and flexibly managing Schneider Electric’s global workforce devices”. The company allows the use of personal smartphones as well as fully managed ones provided by the company.

Android’s ability to segregate work related apps and functionality from the regular/personal ones via the Android Work Profile, offers better flexibility to users. This gives companies better control over its intellectual property. At Schneider Electric, the team manage employee devices in over 117 countries.

Users are able to use their smartphones freely without jeopardizing the integrity or security of work-related content residing on said devices. When the work profile is enabled, Android creates a separate app drawer that’s filled with apps authorized by the company administrator. Not only does this prevent unintended deletion of work content but helps keep said content secure.

There are also useful tools that prevent the installation of unknown apps or from the device being rooted. Google Workspace administrators have the power to list apps that employees can download. And if need be, remotely wipe a device to protect company data. This has allowed for better control over the use of company property and how information/IP is managed.

Google Workplace, formally known as G Suite, is a subscription service that provides access to paid version of apps like Gmail, Calendar, Drive etc. They offer more functionality, reliability, deployment, and customer support compared to the free version.