Google Hit with $5 Billion Lawsuit

June 3, 2020 Off By Rowena Cletus

Photo Credit: Google

Google is no stranger to lawsuits. It has made a habit of ruffling feathers all over the world for anti-competition acts to compromising user privacy. According to Reuters India, the Search giant is now facing a $5 billion lawsuits by three Google users in San Jose, California.

It pertains to the collection of data while browsing in “incognito mode” and through the use of other Google tools. Users select incognito mode when they do not want their browsing history recorded for a particular session. That said, this method doesn’t prevent your ISP (Internet Service Provider) from keeping a watchful eye on your browsing history.

The group who filed the complaint claims that Google collects data from various apps and tools that it provides to users, even if they do not click on the ads. This issue, if proven true, could change our perception regarding online privacy – there is simply none.

That said, the news isn’t new. Many of us are aware of the trade-offs we face when browsing online. We are forced to give up certain facets of our privacy in order to enjoy free and open access to a multitude of online tools and content. But the idea that our every move is tracked and recorded, is a little unsettling.

If this has you worried, there are several methods that you can employ to keep your browsing history safe from the prying eyes of online marketeers. Brave and Thor browsers boast bold claims of protecting online privacy. The same is true of DuckDuckGo, an alternative to that emphasizes the protection of searchers’ privacy.

Source: Reuters India