Google Introduces 5 New Endangered Animals In 3D Within Search

October 16, 2021 Off By Naveen Victor

Certain species of Sweden’s wildlife are facing extinction. This can be attributed to a number of reasons that include logging, noise pollution, climate, illegal hunting and several others. The United Nation says that approximately 1 million species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction worldwide.

In Sweden alone there are 2,249 threatened species according to the IUCN Red List. Sadly, 30% of Swedes don’t believe or know that there are animals in their own country that are at risk of becoming extinct. To raise awareness of the problem that befalls the country, Google has teamed up with Swedish Society For Nature Conservation.

It will be bringing 5 new Swedish endangered species to Search in augmented reality. This is similar to what it did last year with its museum and other wildlife, as a way to keep us informed and entertained at the same time. If you look up the words lynx, arctic fox, white-backed woodpecker, harbour porpoise or moss carder bee in Search then tap “View in 3D”, you’ll be greeted by a life-size scale of said animal with movements and sound.

This is done with 3D animation tech built within the Search app. As such the animated animals exhibit the same behavioural traits as their real life counterparts. Users can have fun with it by snapping photos of these animals through the #Google3D animals in Google Search.

Google says that these 5 animals were chosen based on varying types of reasons for engagement. There are only a few individuals left of the white-backed woodpecker and the harbour porpoise. The arctic fox is facing a dwindling population while the lynx and moss carder bee are considered “vulnerable” because their habitats need to be protected to sustain population growth.

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Reasons These Animals Are Considered Endangered

  • The white-backed woodpecker is affected by logging
  • The harbour porpoise is affected by toxins and noise pollution
  • The arctic fox’s habitat is at risk due to climate change
  • The lynx is affected by traffic and illegal hunting
  • The moss carder bee is contending with a decreasing number of flowers

Google believes that by spreading awareness, everyone can make a difference, especially since we now know the problems afflicting endangered wildlife. Have a go at the app and get to know the 5 species of endangered animals.