Google Search Helps Us Look Back On An “Uplifting” 2021

December 12, 2021 Off By Rowena Cletus

Contrary to what many of us thought, 2021 has been as devastating as 2020. The pandemic continued to wreak havoc across the globe, which prevented us from traveling or living our daily lives. The lockdowns continued to keep us isolated from the people around us and the clouds of economic uncertainty threatened us with unemployment and food shortages.

But despite all of this, we the human race have persevered. We came together despite our differences, we created vaccines against COVID-19 and have come out of lockdowns with a renewed vigor to rebuild what the pandemic mercilessly decimated. And we aren’t alone, according to Google’s search results, “how to heal” has been one of the most searched topics.

We have lost jobs, friends and loved ones due to the pandemic. But instead of looking at the glass as half empty, we choose to see as half full. That’s why we searched for “how to honor someone”, “how to take care of your mental health” and “how to be yourself”.

The problems brought on by the pandemic, has forced us to rethink how we live our daily lives. We have adapted to it with remote working environments and embraced the technology that have allowed us live out our daily lives, so let’s take a look at Google’s touching video about how far we’ve come in the midst of great uncertainty: