Google Widgets Aim To ‘Improve’ iPhone 12

October 23, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

The iPhone 12, Apple’s most advanced smartphone yet, will be out soon. And surprisingly, the company’s arch-rival is just as excited about this as the Apple fanboys. Google wants to remind you of ways that you can use to spruce up you iPhone 12, with Google stuff. The inclusions of widgets in iOS14 has brought about some interesting new functions to the iPhone.

The Search giant has decided to capitalize on this by introducing its own versions that aim to improve productivity and your use of Google apps. The Google photos widget can display a series of pictures on your homescreen. The YouTube Music widget lets you conveniently play your favorite tracks from the app.

And in case you didn’t know, the Google Search bar that has been present on Android phones for years, is now available on the iPhone. The search widget can be placed on your homescreen, which you can quickly use to execute your web searches. This is how you install a widget on an iPhone:

  1. Press and hold on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad
  2. Tap the plus icon on the upper left corner to open the widget gallery
  3. Search for & tap on the Google app, YouTube Music or the Google Photos app
  4. Swipe right/left to select the widget size
  5. Tap “Add Widget”
  6. Place the widget and tap “Done” at the upper right corner

Installing Google apps on your Apple Watch will allow you access to turn by turn navigation information, on your wrist. It’s a more convenient way of getting to your destination without having to keep peeking at your phone screen. Also, you can customize your watch faces with playback functions through the use of the YouTube Music app.

Last but not least is Privacy Screen. Its a feature that shields the contents of your Google Drive from prying eyes. Until your phone can verify a user’s request for access, your sensitive data is kept from view. Though not revolutionary, it is an added layer of protection for users who value their privacy.