Google Will Help Pay For Employee Student Loans

September 24, 2020 Off By Naveen Victor

Student debt can be a crippling problem for many young professionals. The burden of having to repay large student loans have pushed many towards postponing their life plans such as starting a family or buying a house. Google understands this, which is why it is introducing a student loan repayment programme for all Google employees in the United States.

According to the company’s Director Of Global Benefits, John Casey, the Search giant will match $2,500 per employee per year, in student loan repayment. For now, this only applies to those in the U.S. but eventually, the company plans to bring said benefits to ‘Googlers’ all over the world. It’s a noble cause, and one that will provide many with a little more breathing room.

Credit: “Source: Google”

Speaking of the cause, Casey said, “Change starts at home. We’re hoping this student loan repayment program gives our workforce some relief from student loans and helps them build more financial stability over the long term. And we’ll keep looking for more ways to increase access to education and opportunity for everyone.”

Google is starting this for those in the U.S. first, because they are the ones particularly affected by the student load deficit, which stands a t$1.5 trillion, twice of what it was 10 years ago. Apparently, this problem disproportionally affects women and communities of colour. But, financial aid, isn’t the only way Google is lending a helping hand, there’s also the Google Career Certificates.

This is Google own’s education program that aims to help Americans get qualifications in high-paying, high-growth job fields. You don’t even need a college degree to attend these courses, which Google considers equivalent to a four-year degree to entry-level related roles. This will help many, especially those who can’t afford the exorbitant fees charged by most universities.